【IR】GMO Internet Group Strategy 2016 Q3 Summary

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The following is an overview of the 3rd Quarter (April to June) FY12/2016.
For more details please refer to the following.

Results presentation materials (here)
Results presentation video(Under preparation)
(IR) Masatoshi Kumagai talks about GMO Internet Group Strategy
(IR) GMO Internet Group Strategy 2016 Q1 Summary(here)
(IR) GMO Internet Group Strategy 2016 Q2 Summary(here)

■Financial Overview
●Executive Summary: Q3 FY2016

Net Sales was up 6.1% to JPY 33.1 billion, and operating profit was up 19.7% YoY to JPY 4.29 billion. The graph below shows increase and decrease YoY.Internet Infrastructure doubled year on year and drove overall earnings.

●The following graph shows quarterly earnings.
Net sales and profit were both up. You can see that the volatility in Securities, seasonal factors influencing Advertising and Media, and recurring revenue in Internet Infrastructure all added up to steady growth.

■Internet Infrastructure
●The profit grew 95.1% compared to last year – almost doubling – in addition to the strong momentum, we had one-time profit in SSL and from the launch of .shop and its initial sales.

■Internet Securities segment.
●Revenue and profit went down. This large decrease was caused mainly by the after effects of Brexit last quarter.
Despite the transaction volume decrease caused by external factors, we maintained a higher profit level than other companies because our in- house systems helped keep costs down.

●For four consecutive years since 2012, we have achieved the highest trading volume globally.

Our system, development, maintenance and operation are all done in-house, so that our service is well- reputed among users.

■Online Advertising & Media segment.
●In Online Advertising & Media, both revenue and profit increased.

We’ve been explaining the results of our efforts to shift to using more ad technology since last year in a qualitative fashion, but the results of those efforts are finally visible in the figures.We remain committed to increasing our in-house product ratio and improving profitability.


■Mobile entertainment segment.
●We have taken out external game titles and brought operations in-house, building expertise and bringing costs under control. We are aiming to produce a hit title, and are planning on releasing 4 new titles next year.

Please refer to “Masatoshi Kumagai talks about the GMO Internet Group strategy” for the 2016 Overview of the group’s current position and an outline of our strategy going forward, particularly for “.shop” finance and other major themes.

We appreciate your ongoing support of the GMO Internet Group.

Internet for Everyone

(IR) Masatoshi Kumagai talks about GMO Internet Group Strategy

(IR) GMO Internet Group Strategy 2016 Q1 Summary(here)
(IR) GMO Internet Group Strategy 2016 Q2 Summary(here)

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