【IR】GMO Internet Group Strategy 2015 Q1 Summary

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The following is an overview of the first quarter (January to March) of fiscal year 2015. For more details please refer to the following.

Results presentation materials(here)

(IR) Masatoshi Kumagai talks about GMO Internet Group Strategy

■Financial Overview

●In the first quarter of fiscal year 2015, net sales grew 20% year on year while operating profit grew 70% over the same period. Over JPY30 billion was generated in net sales. The year is off to a strong start and we are on trck to meet year end forecasts.

●The graph below shows quarterly results over the past three years.

■Group News
●On April 1, 2015, GMO CLICK Holdings, Inc. was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange JASDAQ Market (7177). With GMO CLICK Securities and FX Prime, the group has become one of the foremost Internet finance groups in Japan.

■Internet Infrastructure
●In the first quarter Internet Infrastructure revenue grew 16.0% while profit was up 3.4%. Given the scale of investment in the promotion of minne,we think this shows strong momentum.

●Number of contracts in Internet infrastructure reached 6 million. The majority of contracts in this segment represent recurring revenue, the foundation for stable, long-term growth.

■Online Advertising & Media
● In Online Advertising & Media, revenue grew 27.4% while profit rose 3.8%. The first quarter is a peak-season for advertising, and other driving forces include strong performances in GMO TECH and GMO Media.

■Internet Securities
● In the first quarter, Internet Securities revenue increased 35.4% and profit increased 60.8%. The high levels of FX trading activity we saw in Q4 continued into the current quarter.

■Mobile Entertainment
● Going forward we are positioned to produe a hit title while maintaining a controlled cost structure.

We appreciate your ongoing support of GMO Internet Group.

Internet for everyone.

(IR) Masatoshi Kumagai talks about GMO Internet Group Strategy

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